The Elgin Development Group (EDG) is more than just an organization; it's an engine fueling the growth and prosperity of Elgin, Illinois. As a vital arm of the Elgin Area Chamber of Commerce, EDG operates with laser focus on a singular mission: empowering businesses to thrive and driving economic vitality in the community.
Beyond mere assistance, EDG is a partner and catalyst for business success. From facilitating site selection and streamlining permits to fostering a skilled workforce and nurturing budding entrepreneurs, EDG offers a comprehensive suite of resources to help businesses of all sizes launch, flourish, and remain competitive.
This commitment to business growth isn't just for the sake of individual companies; it's for the betterment of the entire Elgin community. By attracting new ventures and nurturing existing ones, EDG cultivates a diverse and dynamic local economy. This, in turn, translates into a robust tax base that supports exceptional municipal services, top-tier educational opportunities, and an enriched quality of life for all residents.
EDG's impact goes beyond cold statistics and economic indicators. It's about creating a vibrant landscape where innovation thrives, employment opportunities abound, and a sense of community flourishes.
Fueling this engine of progress is a unique public-private partnership between the City of Elgin and leading companies through the Advancing Progress program. This collaborative spirit ensures EDG has the resources and expertise to navigate any challenge and deliver impactful solutions.
If you're looking to grow your business in a thriving environment, look no further than Elgin. Contact EDG today and discover how they can help your company become part of Elgin's exciting journey toward a brighter future.

Driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and creating opportunities.
That's the EDG difference.
The International Economic Development Council (IEDC) announces that the Elgin Development Group (EDG) has been recognized as one of 75 economic development organizations in the United States accredited by IEDC as an Accredited Economic Development Organization (AEDO).
“EDG displays the professionalism, commitment, and technical expertise that is deserving of this honor,” said IEDC President and CEO Nathan Ohle.
The AEDO program is a comprehensive peer review process that measures economic development organizations against commonly held standards in the profession. The program consists of two phases: a documentation review and an onsite visit. Each phase is designed to evaluate information about the structure, organization, funding, programs, and staff of the candidate economic development organization.
Earning the AEDO accreditation tells the community and prospects that EDG has attained a measure of excellence assuring that their trust is well-placed and their business is in good hands.
Maintenance of the AEDO status is required every three years and is accomplished through documentation submission and/or onsite visits by a team of the AEDO subcommittee.
The International Economic Development Council is the largest membership association serving economic and community development professionals in the world. With over 5,000 members nationwide and abroad, IEDC offers the economic development profession one source for information and professional development, one voice for the profession and one force for advocacy.
“IEDC accreditation of our economic development program confirms that we are committed to excellence. Congratulations to the EDG on becoming one of only 75 Accredited Economic Development Organizations in the U.S., Mexico and Canada.”
Elgin Mayor, David Kaptain
“The Elgin Development Group displays the professionalism, commitment, and technical expertise that is deserving of this honor.”
IEDC President and CEO Nathan Ohle
The EDG is an experienced economic development organization with the ability to identify projects and programs that are beneficial to Elgin’s future. Congratulations on their obtaining AEDO status through the IEDC.”
Rick Kozal, Elgin City Manager
“The Elgin Development Group sets itself apart from other communities by becoming an Accredited Economic Development Organization. Existing and new businesses can be assured that they will be taken care of regardless of their size, assistance that they need, or issue”
Tony Lucenko, Director, Elgin Development Group
IEDC accreditation is an affirmation that our economic development program is one of the best in the nation and that we stand ready to assist existing and new businesses, while always keeping the best interests of Elgin residents in mind.”
Carol Gieske, Elgin Area Chamber of Commerce President & CEO
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